Our Mission:
Our mission is to deliver 30 Million ‘Impact Moments’ by 2030.
We define an Impact Moment Definition as “An interaction that provides insight, instils a sense of pride or builds connection to help guide on the journey towards an Experience Not Felt Possible, adding a page to your book of life”.
We’ve All Got Something:
We’ve all got something that we would love to do but don’t feel we can or that is possible – this will likely be different for everyone and is relative to the person. It might be climbing Mt Everest for one person and walking to the letter box for someone else – it’s what might not feel possible to you.
An Experience Not Felt Possible is not centred on goals but rather about creating moments. How Is This Possible:
What we know from research is that many people set goals, achieve those goals and are not left feeling fulfilled or happy. We’re not saying goals are not important but we do subscribe to the thinking that if you hedge your happiness on achieving goals it can often be a hollow victory.
We know that people who go on a journey that has many peak moments and an impactful ending are more likely to be left with these etched into their memory as lines, paragraphs, pages and even chapters in their book of life that they look back on fondly and brings them happiness and fulfilment, even when they may not achieve a goal they have set.
This approach is informed by the research by Daniel Kahneman who is widely recognised as the world’s most influential psychologist (who has also won a Nobel Prize for his work in Behavioural Economics).
He explains we have two selves – the Experiencing Self and Remembering Self.
In our Experiencing Self the things or experiences that give us moment to moment pleasure are usually not the things that we remember. The coffee you had this morning gave you pleasure in the moment and makes you happy in your life however is not something you are likely to look back on in your life as a remembered moment.
The remembering self are the stories we tell ourselves (and others) from moments in our lives that have been etched in our memories. Essentially our memory tells us stories about ourselves, it shapes who we are and the way we view ourselves. The remembering self does more than remember and tell stories. It is actually the one that makes decisions based on the memories it remembers which often influences what we do and do not feel is possible.
Essentially, the difference between being happy in your life and happy about your life is very different.

So How Do We Create an ENFP (our secret sauce):
The approach we take in designing an Experience Not Felt Possible is to construct Experiences that have specific attributes that are informed by research. From here we have developed a criteria that we believe hedges things in all of our favour to create a memory that will move and shape us and ultimately become the lines, paragraphs, pages and chapters in our book of life.
The Experience Not Felt Possible criteria have 5 Elements:
- Meaning – the experience means something to you.
- Sacrifice – you make some sacrifice.
- Acquisition – you learn a new skill or acquire a new level of wellbeing.
- Giving – you help others in the process.
- New Setting – in destinations you have dreamed of
Does every ENFP have the 5 elements:
No – however we believe the more you have the greater the probability that you will be embarking on an Experience Not Felt Possible.

Want To Go Deeper?
If you're like us and want to understand more about the science behind this approach these resources will be interesting to explore:

Daniel Kahneman's TED Talk
This TED Talk by Daniel Kahneman gives us all a high level understanding of the concept of the Experiencing Self and the Remembering Self.
Go Deeper
This TED Talk by Daniel Kahneman gives us all a high level understanding of the concept of the Experiencing Self and the Remembering Self.
The Power of Moments
The book 'The Power of Moments' by Chip and Dan Heath provides and insightful understanding of why certain experiences have an extraordinary impact on us and some don't.
Why Certain Experiences Have Extraordinary Impact
The book 'The Power of Moments' by Chip and Dan Heath provides and insightful understanding of why certain experiences have an extraordinary impact on us and some don't.